
Forge of empires plunder only
Forge of empires plunder only

forge of empires plunder only

If the player does not assign troops to the 2nd wave army, or 1st wave army, then 2 spearmen would be used as the opponent's army for the 1st and 2nd waves. The 1st wave defending army is managed by the current darker blue button. In the army management, there should be another button that could be green or light blue that one could select to put troops into the 2nd wave defending army. Players only can plunder once after, and that option only has a one-wave defending army Give an option for players to engage in a more difficult, two-wave defending army battle similar GE against other players, and if they win, they get the ability to plunder twice after the attack. In long strategical term - this is death for this game, because new players are rejected by old ones.I know that any altering of plundering is on the DNSL, so I'm going to post here and see what you guys think. I believe that once you survive, twice You are more and more unhappy and the third time You close FoE page forever and the same efect has dayly 2-3 plunders as it means more than half of your production.) In two hours late in collecting goods I found 8 (of nine) production buildings ploundered. (In Cirgard there is neghhborhood where strong playes are unbelivible greedy. This might be solution - for loosing potentiali good players placed in too strong hood. And if revenge player wins - he get back ploundered good and can plunder by himself. After revenge player loses all his army - there is a possibility to refresh his army with 8 new worriers on the same battle field - so he can continue the same battle. Maybe in "revenge" batle - (if there was any plunder and difference between armys age are at minimum one age, or bonuses difference is more than 10%)) could be invented new battle round.

forge of empires plunder only

If hoods are like they are now - there should be some solution for this problem. There is no doubt what happend if strong playesrs are greedy and plunder. The results of new hood stup are some players with ower million points and some with less than 100 thousent.

Forge of empires plunder only